General Meetings of Shareholders

On this page you will find the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The minutes date back to 2012. The minutes are available in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to read these documents.

Older presentations and minutes can be made available upon request. Please contact us for this.

Download the AVA documents here (to 2021 available in Dutch only)

Resolutions AGM

09 April 2024

Convocation notice AGM

09 April 2024

Agenda AGM

09 April 2024

Explanatory notes to the agenda AGM

09 April 2024

Proxy AGM

09 April 2024

Minutes EGM

13 October 2023

Voting results EGM

13 October 2023

Convocation EGM

13 October 2023

Agenda EGM

13 October 2023

Explanatory notes agenda EGM

13 October 2023

Proxy EGM

13 October 2023

Minutes AGM

13 April 2023

Voting results AGM

13 April 2023

Presentation AGM

13 April 2023

Convocation Notice AGM

13 April 2023

Board of directors and supervisory board remuneration policy

02 March 2023

Agenda AGM

13 April 2023

Proxy AGM

13 April 2023

Explanatory notes to the agenda AGM

13 April 2023

Minutes AGM

04 May 2022

Votings results AGM

04 May 2022

Presentation AGM

04 May 2022

Convocation notice AGM

04 May 2022

Agenda AVA 4

04 May 2022

Explanatory notes to the agenda AGM

04 May 2022

Proxy AGM

04 May 2022

Board of directors and supervisory board remuneration policy

23 March 2022

Triptych amendment articles of association

23 March 2022

Notulen AVA

12 May 2021

Stemuitslag AVA

12 May 2021

Presentatie AVA

12 May 2021

Notulen AVA

01 July 2020

Stemuitslag AVA

01 July 2020

Presentatie AVA

01 July 2020

Notulen AVA

15 May 2019

Notulen BAVA

24 September 2019

Stemuitslag AVA

15 May 2019

Stemuitslag BAVA

24 September 2019

Presentatie AVA

15 May 2019

Notulen AVA

16 May 2018