
IT Coordination

Effectively manage your network of IT suppliers and services and improve your overview and control.
Ron Janssen

Cloud en Modern Work advisor

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Effectively manage your network of IT suppliers and services and improve your overview and control

Create one place for all business IT issues

Rely on excellent IT coordination management by experienced specialists

Oversee and manage all your IT suppliers and solutions

The days when we used to purchase all our IT services from a single supplier are long over. The number of IT services and suppliers is increasing all the time in virtually every organisation, which is why it can be a challenge to maintain a good overview and manage all services and suppliers efficiently. IT Coordination and Integration Management helps you to stay in control of all solutions and reduce the complexity of your supplier network.

Grip on various suppliers

The wide range of IT solutions and suppliers requires precise management. That is what ICT coordination management is all about: efficiently and effectively managing your collection of ICT suppliers and services. IT coordination management is crucial to the success of service integration.

Control over the technical and human side

Ctac’s IT coordination and integration management gives you more control over the technical side. This involves system and process integration as well as the alignment of service levels across business processes. And if the technology and processes are generating the desired output, there is also the human side to consider. An ICT service can only be effective and efficient when the suppliers involved work together closely in pursuit of the same goals.

The advantages of good IT coordination and integration management

Proper coordination of all suppliers and services is characterised by the creation of one place in the organisation where all the business’s ICT issues can be raised – as if there was only one ICT supplier. This means less time is spent on IT issues and employees can return to their core tasks sooner. The coordination organisation is responsible for managing the IT suppliers.

Wondering what IT coordination and integration management can do for your organization?

Ctac’s IT coordination and integration management prevents your organisation from drowning in an ocean of suppliers and solutions.
