
Cloud Infrastructure

Achieve your organisation's ambitions with a scalable, efficient and secure cloud system. At Ctac, we help you move smoothly to the cloud in no time.
Reduce your IT maintenance processes
Cloud strategy and implementation
Focus on your business goals
Ron Janssen

Cloud en Modern Work advisor

Get in touch

Cloud is about strategy and ambitions

Advice on cloud strategy

Ctac goes beyond the technology. We help you get the most from your organisation by thinking strategically and combining business with IT.

Consultancy & advice

Private, public or hybrid

We deliver our cloud infrastructure services from our own Ctac Private Cloud as well as the AWS, Microsoft and SAP public clouds.

Journey to the Cloud | Ctalk

Schedule a consultation

What are your organisation’s goals? We would love to hear about your wishes and help you find practical, reliable solutions.


Your organisation has ambitions and goals. Perhaps you want to penetrate new markets or scale up (internationally), or maybe you want to reduce the maintenance costs of your IT department. Wherever your business is heading, an agile and scalable IT infrastructure in the cloud will help you move forwards. Working in the cloud reduces your IT department’s workload, makes your organisation independent, lowers the TCO and ensures that all your information is available to your customers any time, any place, anywhere. In short, by working in the cloud, you can focus on what really matters: your business.

Ctac Cloud Services offer continuity

When you switch to the cloud, you want to maintain your business continuity, both during the migration and afterwards. At Ctac Cloud Services, we help you move current applications to the cloud, and we offer a scalable cloud infrastructure for which you pay based on what you use. What’s more, your contract remains flexible in its format and terms, so you’ll never again need to worry about storage capacity, data security, back-ups and disaster recovery. In other words, business continuity is guaranteed.

Moving to a public, hybrid or private cloud with Ctac

We deliver our cloud infrastructure services from our own private cloud as well as the AWS, Microsoft and SAP public clouds. We will review together which cloud infrastructure suits your organisation and your business goals best. Our in-depth and extensive knowledge and experience of all the different cloud infrastructures will help ensure a smooth and rapid transition of your organisation to this new way of working.

Which cloud suits your organisation best?

Microsoft Azure Public Cloud

The Microsoft Azure Public Cloud is a versatile and powerful cloud platform for your applications. Get the most out of the Azure platform with our help.

Microsoft Azure Public Cloud

Amazon Web Services

Reduce your costs, become more agile and innovate faster with the comprehensive Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform.

Amazon Web Services

Ctac Private Cloud

Do you want maximum control over your cloud infrastructure and applications? If so, Ctac’s Private Cloud is the most powerful, secure foundation for your business.

Ctac Private Cloud

For what situation are you seeking a solution?

Ctac infra services

Infra services at Ctac brings all our expertise together. We research which cloud infrastructure is best for your organisation, and help you achieve your business goals. If your organisation is ready for a secure, flexible, agile and scalable cloud system,